Is Digital actually better than Analog?

I just purchased an Esoteric DV-50s. The unit is fantastic in the sense that you can hear every detail very clearly in most recordings. Here is the thing, does it make for an enjoyable musical expereince? With this type of equipment, you can actually tell who can actually sing and who can really play. Some artist who I have really enjoyed in the past come across as, how shall I put it, not as talented. This causes almost a loss of enjoyment in the music.
Which comes to my Vinyl curiousity. I dont own a single record, but I have been curious why so many have kept the LP's (and tubes for that matter) alive for so long after the digital revolution and now I am thinking it is probably has to do with LP's being more laid back and maybe even more musical. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Would someone recommend going back to Analog. I was thinking of getting a entry level player like a Scout Master.
Raul, my goal is zero compromise, you should talk to the several hundred people who have my systems about what music sounds like to them, they disagree with you and many of them are musicians.

Want to know "what's wrong" with CD wallace? He heard my little receiver system and despite going to all the stores in DC and Baltimore, not one store has a two channel system that is as musical. So like many of my visitors they are isolated with an experience that is unique to all of you. Sorry you all can't come over.
The sound was impressive but something ( for me ) was not right: why I been exited but not emotional?. Then I return to my reference ( live MUSIC ) and how I percieve it in a live event:

Hey Raul, why didn't you go make some adjustments till it did sound like live music to you?

LOL! buddy that's all I have to say. Surround is not analog you're not stuck with what it is you initially hear!!!!!!!!

I have owned great LP playback systems and still do, so I know what LP's can do. Lack of knowledge and experience is never going to be the right answer, so you guys need to quit going there.

Building a phonostage is not rocket science, I can do that too AND have. So Raul buddy, next time you have the chance ask the people to adjust the surround to your tastes.

"exited but not emotional"

As for your emotional response and involvement, that's a psychological problem when everything you thought you knew evaporates in an instant. Being wrong is not conducive to feeling good.

I have guys who don't talk to me after their little revelation, and the way that I get them is I have them listen in surround when they think they're listening in 2 channel, then I switch the surround off.....blatt, all of those nice things they had to say suddenly change. I wasn't emotionally involved....please, like you can get emotional at a dealers showroom?

Sorry nice try raul but I'm not even working up a sweat over your assessments. they're not even new.

Shadorne if i came to your house and adjusted your system, you wouldn't have time to write on here anymore :)

You're a Meridian processor away from eternal audio bliss. love your speakers.
"Phantom speakers? What is a phantom speaker?"

So listening to a live recital, the piano can only create “half a circle” and the rest “collapses into noise”?

Dude learn to read a little closer, your commenting on a excerpt that is talking about the 360 modeling used in creating digital effects used in all modern digital processing , delay and reverb etc.

BUT any room noise and reflected sound arriving back at the microphone out of phase will be compressed into the stereo soundfield (effecting its spectral balance) as noise when played back in (unprocessed) two Channel.

Pauly, what i'm talking about is not something you're going to "get" intuitively, you're going to have to read some stuff and experiment(tvad). You're looking for a easy way to dismiss what i'm saying but your comments do not seem to project that you grasp what i'm talking about.

The information is not on the web, THX will gladly charge you for the course and NEJM will be at your university libraries. What I don't appreciate is you feel you can engage me with so little information. I would think you would have read these papers/articles for you to be so strongly opinionated. We are not discussing my mis-representation or misinterpretation of the facts of these studies. You are telling me they don't exist!

PS: Pauly why don't you read the MIT paper Nsgarch posted a link for and tell me what you think. Lets start there. Tell me if that is what needs to be done to two channel audio to get it to work like a surround system.

A. Why bother, when you can use the natural decay of your listening room to reproduce the natural decay on the recording already.

"Where did you get that silly notion that sound reflection and refraction should occur naturally when you can have it done artificially? ;-)"

I can extract that from your comments.

B. Why does so much information require deletion, and how is this similar or dissimilar to what i propose the rear channels do in our current Prologic 2 setup?
Dear D_edwards: +++++ " my goal is zero compromise " +++++

This is not a serious statement when you are talking of digital technology. Period!.

+++++ " He heard my little receiver system and despite going to all the stores in DC and Baltimore, not one store has a two channel system that is as musical. " +++++

Not big deal, very often the audio dealers have a wrong set-up. Period!!.

+++++ " Hey Raul, why didn't you go make some adjustments till it did sound like live music to you? " +++++

because it can't sound like live music, it does not matters your personal opinion. Period!.

+++++ " . Lack of knowledge and experience is never going to be the right answer " +++++

till you prove you have it. Period!.

+++++ " Want to know "what's wrong" with CD wallace? " +++++

yes, but I want to know from him not from you. Period!.

+++++ " Building a phonostage is not rocket science, I can do that too AND have " +++++

of course it is not a rocket science, but there are some " differences " between design and build a " simple car " and a Ferrari. Period!.

+++++ " that's a psychological problem when everything you thought you knew evaporates in an instant " +++++

fortunatelly my thoughts are stronger than your opinion. Period!.

I was wrong when I assume that you were a knowledge mature audio/music person digital oriented, but no you are like so many thousands and thousands of people that think that have the " bible " on its voice and forgot that they are only " one single person " with great limitations ( like you ) and that God ( yes, you certainly are not God. Not even the audio God. ) is far far away from them. Period!

Btw, I ask you which is your sound reproduction reference and your answer was: dead silence. Period!

I give you one FACT ( there are many of them ) of the today ( two channel or multichannel ) digital limitations: 16/44.1 with a limited real frequency to 22.05kHz, your answer about: dead silence. Period!

Mike, give you other facts like: " continuous. no gaps ". Anwser: dead silence. Period!.

These dead silence answers tell me that you are not really serious or knowledge about for I or any one can take its time with you. Period!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Too me two channel is a joke, fact.

D_edwards (System | Answers)

To me multi-channel is a joke, fact.

Been there done that. I went through the multi-channel phase several years ago, didn't like it. It doesn't properly represent a live orchestra. It felt like I was sitting in the middle of the orchestra instead of sitting in the 10th row. Listening from the audience is a more natural experience, fact.

FWIW, feel free to hype how great your receiver sounds all you want.
I'm glad it makes you happy, fact.
It is however still a receiver, with all the limitations of a receiver, fact.
I'm sure you opinions would be much better 'received' on, fact.