I could not believe it

I was happy owner of pretty decent rig (Supratek+Clayton monoblock+AA Capitole as cdp). One pretty Sunday morning I came across garage sale, guy have 20 years old Fisher turntable for sale (cheap looking extremely dirty unused for 10+ years).
I would not normaly buy it, but for $2 what the heck. I bought it for fun. It took 30 minutes of cleaning, and I connected it to phono stage of Supratek Chenin. I had some LP's at home.
To my surprise it worked. To even bigger surprise it worked so good.
I compared Dire straits and Madonna LP’s with exactly the some albums on CD.
I could not decided which I prefer (CD or LP). I really could not!
Remember we are talking about $8700 cpd and maybe in good condition $30 worth cheesy turntable. It keeps me wonder how much better would sound decent turntable ?
Classical music from Deccca, Deutsche Gramophone, Columbia Masterworks actually scared me. Resolution (there is not congestion I hear on every classic CD) smoothness really scared me. It cannot be so! I could not believe what I heard. Why for goodness sake we have ever embraced CD format, for convenience maybe, not for quality for sure?
generally sound from CD on Capitole have more body, much better bass, dynamics on some audiophile CD’s.
BMG and other normal CD are in comparison to LP’s simply unlistenable.
Classic on CD’s is especially congested and its resolution is not even close to what I heard from LP’s on cheesy Fisher turntable.
There is one but though:
a lot of surface noise especially on older LP’s.

So , analog gurus I'm rookie at the subject but believer now, please give me advice about some decent turntable which besides resolution and lack of congestion would give me even soother and even more detailed presentation, huge dynamics, wide soundstage. And would be quiet without this awful surface noise.

What Turntable would you recommend for up to $3000 used.
I read that pretty good ones are
Nottingham Space Deck w/ space arm
vpi scoutmaster with jmw-9 arm.
How does those two compare, maybe different recommendation.

I heard on CES $30.000 turntables and they have been awesome, but I have never though that actually cheap turntable could sound that good and actually stand a chance to high-end CDP and on classic beat it in spades.
I still havn't heard vinyl good enough to replace my digital but I will keep trying.I will admitt I thought my digital was good but when I had my player modded it was simply in another league. I just had the oppurtunity to AB a high end player 13-14K MSRP and was very disapointed in its performanc. So I can understand all the vinyl people liking and sticking with vinyl. I for one so far can not stand the noise and the hassles.......but thats me.

Funny how this thread turned into a vinyl versus digital debate when it started out it was simply someone giving their experiences......oh well so it goes.

Stick with the 20 years old Fisher turntable and sell to me your AA capitole for $2.
My experience has been that if you stack a TT and a CD player of equal value, they will be close, but the vinyl will probably be better. Now add in the potential surface noise (sooner of later, the time spent over the Nitty Gritty, and getting up every 15 min to flop it over (sometimes I'm in the mood), the convenience of a CD is hard to ignore. It's all about music anyway. You like your garage sale TT? Keep it. I'm using a Sonographe I bought 18 years ago, and I love it.
T Bone, You are right about the archives at VA. There still are a few very knowledgable posters there, but the amount of background noise there now makes it hard for me to trust a lot of what is said there anymore
It may be a good resource if Sorlowski wants to mod his Fisher table. But if someone has a $3000 budget for a table, there is hardly any regular posters at VA who has experience with that kind of TT.
Thank you for all the responses I was not expecting more then a few.
I heard Bose and I could not believe how bad it was. When it comes to record cleaner VPI 16.5 is interesting example $500 new nearly $400 used, does it have any sense to buy it used. They do keep value.

>If Sorlowski had posted his experience over in Vinyl Asylum, there would have been a half dozen people trying to reason with him about how great digital is and how each format is sonically equal.

It would be futile, I know what I heard. Of coures it was subjective to me only. I rechecked my impression a few times. I do not like it either. Plastic cheesy Fisher should not have stand a chance with build like a tank AA Cap . Heavy maintenance or inconvenience does not bather me as long it would sound better.. I already have Supratek (my convenience I had with MA A300 is long gone).
I thought that transistors have been step forward until I went to HE2001 and the best SS setups like ML and others was for me miles away from VAC, LAMM, Manley.
When it comes to cd vs lp maybe part of the reason is in software. I have noticed that AA Cap on typical CD sound like $300 cdp only on audiophile grade CD's it shines. Maybe LP have been recorder inherently better.
Have anybody actually compared Nottingham and Scoutmaster ?
I do not know if I could use recommended by Elizabeth Ortofon OM10 or a Shure 97me, description on Fisher says to use ST-66 D stylus.