needle problem

Suddenly, the angle that the needle hits the record has decreased, and thus the cartridge sits lower in respects to the distance between it and the record, so that if the record is even slightly warped, the two collide.

Any ideas on what could be wrong and who could fix it?

sounds like damage to me

question: how much deflection occurs when the arm is set on the record at the appropriate VTF? There shouldn't be more than a mm or so.
Thanks for the responses.

THe TT is a Rega Planar 25, with a Dynavector DV-20XH cart. I say "suddenly" in that it hadn't be doing that before, and then I noticed it. Whether it was gradual, or truely, sudden, I don't know.

Right now I have the needle off to take to a local vinyl dealer who is somewhat knowledgable about TT fixes, though he is doubtful he can diagnose a needle problem. (unfortunatly, I am mechanically deficient.)

I will check the VTF when I get it back on so make sure it is still ~ 2 grams, and check back soon.
... also, I don't beleive my TT has VTA adjustment. Right? :)

I'll check up on that too.
Your arm has no provision per se for VTA adjustment, however, there are after-market gadjets that permit this adjustment. Expressimo Audio (now out of business ) has one, I think VPI makes one, - it can be found. Do change the back couterweight to a dropped weight, get it off its feet and on to spikes, cones, blocks, etc., set vtf by adjustment of the counterweight - do not use the spring adjustment. Set it on maximum and use a Sure guage for the weight.
Not being sure how to begin a new thread, I hope it's ok if I ask a question here on needle maintenance. Do most who play a lot of vinyl use a microscope to examine their stylus occasionally for wear? Otherwise, how do you determine the condition of your stylus?