Is there a perfect speaker?

A philosophical question but one I am currently facing. I have three setups and they all do something (but definitely not everything) perfectly. Try as I might, I can't be happy with one setup because my other setups have some superior characteristics. There seems to be a drive in audio to monogamy but I love more than one. Help.

My speakers (all monitors) are in the $3k range / amps $2k range. Is there some sort of monogamous nirvana out there or is it just more searching?
One step further. Even if there were a perfect speaker and it was connected to a perfect chain of perfect components, it would still be compromised by your room.
"Even if there were a perfect speaker and it was connected to a perfect chain of perfect components, it would still be compromised by your room."

Not to mention our ears.

Young ones hear well but are less well trained and older ones the opposite.
Of course there is no perfect speaker, but as your current speakers are all in the 3K range, there is a lot more to be had by listening to speakers in the 5-10K range. The Harbeth SHL5/Monitor 30s, Joseph Audio Pulsar, Rockport Monitors, to name but a few. Yes, I know - price doesn't always correlate to quality, but sometimes it does.