VPI table owners, help please.

I'm using the SuperScoutmaster with VPI signature arm and Dynavector XX2 or 17D3 cartridge. I'm using an Ayre P-5xe phono stage. Was wondering what cables you guys & gals have been using (or not using because?) between your arm and phonostage? I run RCA from arm to phono. Looking in the $500.00 range new for 1m pr. Any opinions would really help.
Rest of the system is VPI SDS, Ayre K-1XE preamp, Parasound JC-1 monoblocks, and Thiel CS7.2 speakers.
Any one else have a problem with active ICs? I have a pair of Looking Glass active that cause a low level hum in my speakers when the active sheilding is plugged in. Happens only when I use the cable between Scoutmaster and phono pre, or phono pre to preamp. Other active cables in my system are not a problem.
I had a hum in my system occur when I placed the tube integrated amp in the same rack that the VPI was in.No hum when the amp was on the floor between the speakers.Problem was solved by running a thin wire from the ground tap on the table to a screw on a wall ac receptacle.
I have decided after several cables from tonearm to phono that the Zu Xaus is the one for me. Better than running any of my Audioquest or Bogdans or the VPI tonearm cable. It combined with the balanced Panthers everywhere else is right where I like it. It is the one cable that really didnt bring anykind of attention to itself. Best part is I got it off ebay auction for 160.00 shipped. It was less than any other cable I have tried. Thank you everybody for your help.
Tried 3+ cables between my SSM-Signature w/ Shelter 901 and Sonic Frontiers Phono 1SE. My favorite cable for other source is Audience AU24, but sounded coarse and rough between TT and phono stage. Pure Note Cerulean (generation before current Paragon) sounded thin and bright, but sounded exceptional in my other chain and beat out Nordost QuattroFill. End up with Harmonic Tech Cyrstal Copper, but not using the ground lead as it introduces hum.
using hovland music groove two between my vpi 10.5i and tom evens groove plus, makes a very fine marriage, a few buck more than your budget but will be very much worth it,