Brinkman Balance Comparisons

For those who have the Brinkman or compared it to others please chime in. How does it compare to the Avid, TW Raven AC and SME 30? I heard the Raven AC has been compared to the Brinkman in Germany extensively. any thoughts? Also, how critical is a good support stand to achieve it's perfromance?

Thanks for your help,

I had some discussion with Mr Woschnik of TW-Akustik today, and he rightly points out, that Delrin is kind of a composite material, which can be tailored a lot choosing the ingredients. It is very unlikely that he uses exactly the same plastic variation like used in the Scheu Delrin platter. So any assumption on the sound of TW-Akustik turntables based on the comparison of Scheu acrylic and Delrin platters is just a guess.

Also I want to point out, that I did not have a proper listening to TW-Akustik turntables to date.

I would like to have a Raven One myself for testing for, and already asked Mr Woschnik for a review sample. If the Raven One at 3000 bucks is 90 percent the sound quality of the big TW-Akustik turntables, it might be a best buy.

Scheu and TW-Akustik are both examples of turntable issues implemented right. I had a lot experiences with Scheu turntables, but still have a lot to learn with TW-Akustik.

best regards, Hartmut
Rick (RWD)

Do you have any update on how the Raven AC sounds after a month of having it? Many thanks.
Finally I will be getting the Raven AC within the next 2 weeks after a long long wait ( abt 6mths) despite being promise earlier. Wondering anybody has any experience using it with Millenium carbon Mat or Living voice Mat or do prefer to it without any mat. What abt record weight? It seems the manufacturer prefer it without record claiming that it may dampen the sound ( according to my dealer). Your opinion is much appreciated tq
I had 3, Boston, Millenium & now use Living Voice. I much prefer it to the other 2. But the platter itself is very good.