Most involving and thrilling moviemusic?

The more tips the more I will have to buy....
IMO it's defenitely Sakamoto's soundtrack for Bertolucci's "The Sheltering Sky".
Try Men in Black II soundtrack (second movie not the first) by Danny Elfman. It is an orchestral tour de force, much better than even Mr. Elfman's many other soundtracks. Sonic and recording on CD are excellent.
I just bought Men in Black II from Danny Elman ofcourse and so thanks "Cjfrbw" or whatever your name is! Great soundtrack! wow! And now guys: this great soundtrack gave me an appetite for more soundtracks. Please fill in!
Rives and Zeerlastig,

If you like Elfman and don't already have it, "The Nightmare Before Christmas' is absolutely beatiful, IMO.