Most involving and thrilling moviemusic?

The more tips the more I will have to buy....
I'll second the Last of the Mohican's: an amazingly uplifting theme throuhgout the disc.
I agreed with DRRdiamond, Alexander Nevsky is a great album. Other type, nice jazz, I like "In the mood for love" soundtrack.
"Glory". James Horner did a great job. If you can find it on vinyl, buy it! Sounds good, too.

And now, for something completely different, "To Live and Die in LA". I know, I know, it's Wang Chung, but try it you'll like it. Or, the soundtrack to "Manhunter", one of Michael Mann's first movies.

I enjoy the following soundtracks:
"The Mission"
"Blade Runner"
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
"Grand Canyon"
"No Way Out"
"Dances With Wolves"
"Local Hero"