VPI record clamp

I'm a new owner of a slighty used VPI Scoutmaster. After reviewing the manual I'm unsure if I am using the stock record clamp correctly. When I screw it onto the spindle the bottom portion of the clamp seems to angle depending on where the clamp is on the spindle. As I tighten it down, the record warps a bit, then starts to flatten out. When I get the record perfectly flat on the outside edge, the center is not flat. Am I doing something wrong, or is this how the clamp is supposed to work?

There should be a small rubber washer, about the size of a quarter, that slips over the spindle and sits on the platter. The record sits on this washer and then is held tight by the clamp. Is this there?.... I can't tell from your post. Might be the problem if it's missing. You shouldn't tighten the clamp too much... I think "snug" would be a good way to discribe it.


Have you placed the black rubber washer over the spindle,onto the platter? It should be beneath the records.
Its' purpose is to prevent the central bowing of the records you describe.
Try it out.