Capitol Audio Fest Speakers?

So what did everybody like at CAF?

I've never heard Tidal speakers before but was very impressed. No doubt they stoles the show. Both the ones for $20k and their big brothers. Amazing.

In the $4k range I was impressed with the Audionote J series. Granted they had $20k in electronics behind them but really sounded good. There was another $4k speaker floor stander made from carved reclaimed looking wood. Seemed like a prototype from a new company but I thought it was impressive looking and sounding for the price. Would have brought it home if I had the dosh.

In the Everyman category I thought The Clue speakers showed a lot of potential especially with their new bass module. But the room was way too small having to sit 4 feet in front of them. And once the rum started going later in the day the volume kept going up and up. But I have a feeling they could sound really good in the right room with good setup. The bass modules were just clue speakers without tweeters, but really increased bass authority and dimensionality. Really like adding two subs.
"The good news for me was that the very best sound I heard all day was when I returned home and turned on the stereo that I already own."


After looking at your system profile, I have no doubt the above is a true statement.

Surprised no one mentioned Odyssey yet. Both their rooms sounded killer. $1800 for pre+power+speaker system was an amazing value and the reference system still around $8K was for me one of the best sound of the show.

Daedalus muse in the smaller room was nice, the Ulysses in the bigger room were expansive but not as focused sounding as I know they are capable of. I think Daedalus should demo with tube amps to change the flavor a bit.

The clue sounded very dynamic for a small speaker.
I am a Zu Def4 owner, so I am obviously biased. However, I agree with Larrybou that the Def4s that Sean was exhibiting sounded great driven by the First Watt SIT monoblocks. (He also an an interesting pro-audio pre-amp.) They were well-positioned, and the room was generous in size.

The Deja Vu room was running "new" electronics that are built around vintage parts, and in the case of the amplifier, based on vintage cicuits (the DAC was obviously NOT vintage Western Electric). The gear is based primarily on Western Electric design and parts. The 300b amp used vintage Western Electric input and output transformers. There was another room that had monobloc amps that appeared to be old Altec amps (they were green in color). I also agree that most exhibitors played gear at way too high a volume. Some do that because many modern speakers actually sound lifeless unless they play loudly. I tend to like higher efficiency speakers because of their ability to sound lively at lower volume levels; as I've made improvements in my system, I've tended to play it at lower and lower volume levels. An example of a very nice system at the show that is extremely dynamic and did not need to be played at high volume, which, unfortunately, is where it was played most of the time, was the Horning speakers in the Highwater room.


I also liked both of the big Zu systems at the show--one in the big conference room and the other in one of the tiny upstairs room. That top-of-the-line speaker delivers full range sound and great dynamics. My only big issue with that speaker is the over emphasis of the midrange that tends to make both female and male vocals stand out prominently--it sounds impressive at first, but, it is a bit unnatural. Still, I agree that this is a very good sounding speaker that appears to be suited to both large and small rooms.


At almost every show, I am impressed by Oddyssey systems for what they deliver at reasonable prices. I was not quite as impressed with their higher priced speaker as I was with last year's showing of the Lorelei, but, that was because the Lorelei really set a high bar.
Grimace-I'm driving an SUV. You could have packed almost anything into it! Imagine driving home with the Tidals on the roof rack?

My feelings on Odyssey amps: They sound good when driven hard. I just had one in my house that sounded like crap on Coincidents but sounded great with 84db speakers. Synergy or tempermental amps???

Finally, do headphones count as speakers for this post? The headphone amps at the show were more than just over the top. If felt like such a whimp with my my AKG's.