Who LOVES their under $ 1000 table combination ?

Okay.....here's the deal. I'm cuerrently driving my Rogue Audio Cronus integrated amp and Vandersteen 1C speakers with an NAD 533 turntable/Rega RB-250 arm/Goldring Elektra cartridge set-up. I was originally toying with the idea of switching to a thick acrylic platter, upgrading the sub-platter, adding shims to change VTA, and replacing the cartridge. .....Then I thought...that's all crazy. I should just buy a whole new set-up. So...what are some recommendations for table/cartridge combo. that will keep me at around $1000.00, sound considerably better than what I have now, and match well with my amp and apeakers ?

4-02-08: Ferrari
About a year and a half ago, I purchased a Goldring GR 1.2 turntable from Audio Advisor for $299.95 delivered to my door. This table is nothing more or less than a Rega P 2 on a different plinth. Came with the Rega RB 250 tonearm and included a Goldring Electra phono cartridge. Only upgrade to this has been the Rega glass platter that I had from years gone by, as well as a Herbie mat from sometime ago.
So it's a real RB250, and therefore upgradeable via the Michell or Origin Live routes? Have you thought about getting the metal stub and denser counterweight for the tonearm--either the Michell or Origin Live?

I ask because a a friend bought one of these on my recommendation and I'd like to recommend cost-effective tweaks to this 'table as he gets the urge to extract more music from the grooves.
No the GR 1.2 is factory stock, with exeption of the glass platter and the Herbie mat.

Think I will order the Pete Riggle counter weight for the arm. Have heard good things about that upgrade.
Somone has a Sota Star Saphire in the listings for about $800. Stick a Jelco arm on that for under $300 and you'd have a decent combo for bit over a grand.
04-02-08: Ferrari
No the GR 1.2 is factory stock, with exeption of the glass platter and the Herbie mat.
Yes, I understand, but I wanted to verify that the GR1.2 tonearm is an RB250 and therefore a candidate for the tonearm upgrades offered by Origin Live, Michell, and others, so I can recommend that upgrade path to my newbie friend. Also, did the Herbie's mat noticeably improve things?

Think I will order the Pete Riggle counter weight for the arm. Have heard good things about that upgrade.
The only product Pete currently has on his website is his VTAF (vertical tracking angle on-the-fly) adapter for Rega-compatible tonearm, which is also enthusiastically reviewed. Of course, there are a zillion other aftermarket counterweights available.

The Origin Live and Michell counterweights lower the center of gravity, and the Michell weight arrangement functions as an outrigger besides. This no doubt helps settle down the otherwise twitchy behavior of a unipivot bearing. It's also what's behind the fishing weight tweak.
Yes the arm on the Goldring GR1.2 is a Rega RB 250, and will accept any and all upgrades for a Rega RB 250 arm. I spoke with Pete Riggle last night and indeed the counter weight is available, at $75.00 plus $6.00 for shipping. The Herbie mat offered some further damping to the glass platter, although I would not consider this an absolute must have. My opinion the Rega felt mat was near as good, with the Rega glass platter.