Best bang for the buck turntable?

Ok I have been listening to cd's for a loooong time, its time to move up a notch and find a good turntable to go along my setup, have to admit that it will be expensive to upgrade all of my music collection from cd's to lp's but I've heard LP's and they sound way way better than cd's. I am still keeping my $3k cd player but now I want to add a nice turntable to my system. That will make my system complete. So here it goes, what turntable will be a good choice for a newbie or better yet the BEST bang for the buck turntable?

Music Hall? or other brand and if so, what are the going prices for a good new or used one?
...And here I find myself quite far from the choir and quite at odds with regard to our feelings about dealers. No doubt, it probably starts with the wide-eyed optimism and enthusiasm that you point to. But quickly they realize that the love of music, both recreated and live, is a poor subsititute for business acumen, which most, in my experience, are sorely lacking. This leads to the biterness setting in, the complacency, blaming the idiot customers and a general feeling of entitlement. The market is cruel, as well, with internet sales, grey market goods, the secondary market and dealers readily willing to cross territories and cut prices, all diminishing the viability of the brick and mortar retailer. The lucky ones will sell, the unlucky will close the doors. In the Darwinian world of audio retailing there is precious little cream floating to the top and most of the milk has spoiled below. Clearly, you are the exception. Glad to see you are at the top of your game though, it gives one hope.
Sadly, very well articulated. True quality is always an elusively moving target. At the top of my game? No. Just aspiring as always. Thanks for the encouragement.
Pied, how does that old joke go:
Q: "How can you make a small fortune in the audio business?"
A:"Start with a large fortune."
Kinda like the one about the (insert ethnic persuasion of choice) folk musician. He was in it for the money.
Buy a P3 and never look back. There are upgrades available to improve the performance if you wish to do so later.
The table sounds great for the money, just stay away from Rega cartridges, much better available at a similar pricepoint.