How to get 100 accurate azimuth?

Hi there.

Can anyone tell me how to get 100% accurate azimuth adjustment. So I can be totally sure and get peace of mind.


I am sorry about the mistunderstanding. I was talking about cartridge alignment;-)
Until now, I have done it by placing a Lego brick on each side of the cartridge body and used this as a visual guideline.
I am looking for a way to adjust azimuth so it's totally accurate.
I have found the Wally Analog shop, but it's a bit expensive so I was hoping some of you skilled guys had some experience to share.

this is just off the top of my head, but it seems like i remember reading somewhere a reference to a denon test LP that had an exacting method of setting azimuth. you may want to check it out. i may be FOS.
Find another Nakamichi 1000 Turntable (just sold for $15K and has auto centering,and evey other tweak usefull or not) that maybe the best DD table ever.or get one of Their high end tape decks.I also was wondering if you meant TT or tape?!?
Look for Polaris. It's a good guide for true azimuth unless of course you're seeking magnetic azimuth.

Or is that north?

Never mind. I have to adjust my zenith.