Glass platter or Acrylic?

I'm using a Rega P5 with Exact 2 cart. The table is stock except for the groove tracer subplatter. I also use the Souther clever clamp. Phono stage is Lehmann Black Cube SE. The TT does have the outboard PSU.

I've been wondering about swapping out the glass platter for acrylic. The music I'm enjoying now has good detail, clarity, impact, but might lack a bit of bloom or warmth.

What say you? All comments will be read carefully and pondered. Thanks,
another recommendation for the Funk Achromat. I have one that has improved every table I've used it on. Right now I'm using it on my Pink Triangle which already has an achrylic platter.
Also, if it were ma I'd also go for the 14mm Achroplat.
More questions...Achroplat does it change the VTA? or is it simply take the glass off and slip on the Achroplat and play? Does the Clever Clamp put any stress on the bearing as its not a weight? Anyone use the Michele clamp made just for Regas? Groovetracer subplatter how much better does it sound and do they give a $ back waranity if you cannot hear an improvement? Thanks in advance, a soon to be Rega P5 owner.
Achroplat does it change the VTA? or is it simply take the glass off and slip on the Achroplat and play?
The Achroplat replaces the glass platter and I believe it maintains the original height so there's no need to adjust the VTA. Of course the achromat lays on the original platter and will require VTA adjustment.