MM to MC back to MM

Has anyone gone back to MM after trying MC cartridges? Why did you go back? What MC cartridges did you try?
Audiofeil - What amateurs and what unreal specifications are you referring to? The author of this thread and perhaps a few members may want to know.

The "amateurs" that I have dealt with ARE responsible retailers and they aim to be well established. And if their products are given the same playing field perhaps they have a chance of being around next month, next year, and next decade.

The list you provide of companies that are no longer in business is comprehensive. I am no historian and have no inside scoop, but just as much as these "amateurs" can drop the ball on customer service, product support and make false specification claims, so can established manufacturers.

To keep referring to them globally as "amateurs" is also puzzling. Email me privately and I'd be glad to reveal the names of those with whom I have dealt. They are an impressive list of respected engineers and designers. You would be proud to represent their products. I refrain from identifying them here seeing how people are sensitive toward anything that can be misinterpreted as advertising. Additionally, if I were them I would not want my name associated within the context of this discussion.
Dear Tfkaudio: +++++ " Or to say it another way, IMHO it is better to have a great phono amp and a good cart than to have a great cart and a good phono amp. " +++++

I totally agree about.

Regards and enjoy the msuic.
Stefanl - Thanks for your clarification. Sounds like you have tried a number of MM and MC cartridges. I used MCs exclusively, until I tried my first MM in late 2006. Since then I have identified at least a handful of MMs that I cannot do without!

I have a couple of follow-up questions for you:

1) What are the relative outputs of the Denon 103 MC and the Ortofon VMS 20 Mk11? Sorry I could look these up, but I a few errands to complete before the day ends.

2) When you switched from the Denon to the Ortofon please explain how you equalized the volume levels?

3) What impedance load was used with the Denon and what capacitance did you use for the Ortofon?

4) Among the Ortofon, Linns, AT and other cartridges you've used, what are your absolute favorites?

I grow weary of those who add nothing to a good thread. But sometimes, every once in a while, I come across something so astonishing, that I have to barf, clean off my keyboard, and post a reply.

In Mr. Audiofeil's list of failed audio businesses, I noted one in particular:


Dude, you need a vacation! I'd recommend New York City. Take in a concert by the New York Philharmonic. The building in which they perform is named after that failed business man.

In reply to Ctm the output impedance for the Denon is 40 ohms and for the Ortofon 800 ohms according to the cartridge database.I had the Denon loaded at 100 ohms.I tried other loadings with it 47 ohms,220,1Kohm that had been suggested but the 100 ohms manufacturer's suggested was obviously more correct.The Ortofon went through the same stage's MM side with 100pf.The stage I'm using now has a 45Kohm with 300pf setting.This is just about what the VMS 20 prefers as most MM stages are 47Kohm.The Ortofon used to have a little clip-on device to vary the capacitance if you so desired but I have never seen one.So what I can say is that I heard the Denon in a lot of guises and got to know it quite well.I stand by the Ortofon as a "poor man's Koetsu".I think that the Linn K 18 Mk 11 MM must rank as one of my favourite cartridges. It was the one that initially woke me up to the fact that MM's can go stride for stride with MC's.That was only with an elliptical stylus too.I hear it doing even more now with a conical stylus.The level that is way past the "silky" epiphets.It plays the record.The other night I played some English Beatles pressings through the right channel to listen to the stereo mix.It was perfect for every nuance.I don't want to tell you how long I have not heard these records.