Cannister VAC DIY Record cleaning...?

I had a thought today of using my cannister VAC for record cleaning, and a couple of question occurred to me.

First, is there any reason that a small, hand-held type cannister VAC (Oreck) would not work for this purpose? Is there any problem with vacuuming the liquid into a home VAC? I wouldn't think there's enough fluid to be any concern.

Second, if I purchased Disk Doctor replacement pads used on the RD cleaning pads, and fit them onto one of the cannister VAC's hose attachments wouldn't this work effectively...and suction the lquid without harming the vinyl?

The reason I'm interested in a DIY solution is that I don't own enough records to warrant the purchase of a record cleaning machine, and I like the idea of keeping the clutter down in the house.

Thanks in advance.

I used that 1HP Shop Vac for about two years before buying a RCM. It works okay, but I'd expect the KAB to work better and be easier/faster to use. Also, the Shop Vac is LOUD!!! You'll certainly annoy everyone in the house. You might even annoy the neighbors.

As the partner of the materials scientist who first researched and recommended the Magic Eraser for stylus cleaning, I can vouch for its safety and effectiveness. As long as you don't eat it, snort it or ignite it there is no danger to you or your stylus. And it works...

Since I already have $50 invested in Disc Doctor record cleaning brushes, I don't intend to switch to a RCM in the near future.

Thanks for the input, everyone. I have some really good ideas to work with.

The choice is not between a RCM or good brushes. You need both.

Brushes are for applying fluids to the record. RCM's are for vacuuming them off. This is true whether you use Dan's $50 DIY machine or a $2K Loricraft. Even RCM's that include one or two integrated brushes don't have ENOUGH brushes. You need one for each fluid to prevent cross-contamination.