How to flatten Vinyl Albums

I found the following suggestion on the web and wondered if anyone had tried it?

It suggests: cleaning the record;
placing it between two sheets of clean and perfectly
flat plate glass; heating to about 135 degs. F;
leave at this heat for 10 minutes;
remove heat and place some heavy books on top of the
glass for 24 hours.
If the warp is not removed then not enough heat
has been applied. Heat should not exceed 150 degs. F as damage may

I also heard this from a record dealer, but I have always tried to keep all albums away from heat
Clean your record and place it in a clean paper sleeve with a center hole. Place the record between two plates of glass. Place a heavy object on top (40-50lbs). Wait two weeks, remove and inspect. Still warped? Repeat until flat. If you're in a hurry, try the oven method. Once I used the oven method without success, so I just laid it on a shelf and it flattened after a couple of weeks.
After giving this topic some thought, I remembered that my wife has an electric warming pad for her back, which should provide adequate heat to releive the stresses in the vinyl in a slow and controlled manner.

Combine this with two pieces of heavy glass plate and it may just produce the desired results

I'll keep you posted!

BYW - Mikkysix: from another thread - what is PRaT?
A black hole is your best bet... A black hole will infinitely flatten your warped records into a singularity.