vinyl storage?????

hi yall, im looking to find shelving for records.. the only thing i can find now is the Billy Baggs system avail on Acoustic Sounds website..... does anyone know of other pro shelving, or drawers?? thanks!!
If you have an ikea near you? Your in luck.I was there just this week they have a unit that looks very sturdy and goes for very little,you can find it in storage. The unit is not made for this application but I think it is attractive and would work out very well.
I use shelving by Lundia. Comes in different widths, heights, and depths. Shelf height is fully configurable, too. Made of solid wood. Got mine used, they are at least 30 years old and will last forever. I often see Lundia units in local public libraries and also in law libraries. Do a google search and check eBay.
This one can grow with your LP collection:

Eames design from the 50s. It comes in different configurations. Still looks contemporary today:


Music Direct also sells some nice shelving units for LP's as well.
