Opinions please

Which is your preferred Record cleaning machine?
I am considering the SOTA, VPI 16.5, and the Clearaudio Smart Matrix. I would love a Loricraft but the price is prohibitive.I am also interested in cleaning fluids being used. I live in the high desert and static is a major issue.
"Save your money and do it by hand. No RCM machine can touch it."

I've never know a single person who gave up a record cleaning machine and returned to hand cleaning. Incredible statement, IMO.
No hand comes close to the Result from a Loricraft or Keith Monks RCM. Save money, you will get a long time Satisfaction.
Narrod; if you ALREADY HAVE a RCM, by all means...knock yourself out. However, if the decision is one between a RCM machine and hand-washing, the only advantage a RCM give you is convenience and time savings. If that's of value than that's the solution, if you have the time, wash it by hand.

Thomas; "No hand comes close..." I don't belive that.
You don't mention the Nitty Gritty machine, so I thought I'd make a few comments on it after using a 2.5fi for more than 12 years.

* The vacuum is LOUD. I use earplugs or my Etymotics when I'm running the vacuum.

* I'm using the two RRL fluids, so I don't use fluid injection. Who knows what gunk builds up in the tank, anyway. And mine leaks.

* Got a very off-center record? Forgedaboutit.

* You will need to replace the felt lips and the rubber capstan now and then, but it's pretty easy.

Aside from the leaking tank, the vacuum and motor on mine are still working fine after more than about 12 years.

Looking at the prices now, I'm not sure the Nitty Gritty is still competitive. But I don't have any experience with the VPI machines to compare it to.