TW Acoustic Raven owners


I recently got my Raven AC, and I already love my new turntable. It is definitly the greatest piece of audio gear I have owned or heard so far. Lately I've seen the Raven has popped up in a lot of threads on this forum, so I thought it was time to start a dedicated thread to share experiences with the TT.

My system is: TW Raven AC/Hadcock 242 SE arm/Empire EDR.9 cart/Whest Audio Ltd PS.20 + MSU.20 phono. I will soon get a Phantom arm which I will use with a Transfiguration Temper V cartridge.

When I mounted the Hadcock/EDR.9 on the Raven AC, I was not really expecting a lot, since both the arm and cartidge are very cheap. Well, I was wrong, and once and for all understood the importance of a good deck. The music flowed from a rock solid foundation and just nailed me to the listening chair. The soundstage is very deep and wide with delicate layering. The music is seamless and totally effortless. But what impresses me most is the ability the Raven has to draw me into the music and show me the heart and soul of the performer. Just beautiful.
I can't imagine how it will sound with the Phantom/Temper in place, but I suppose it will be another step up:-)

What are you're experiences with the Raven, and what arms/carts do you use?

Theo, Copenhagen
Hey Theo,

Nice thread to start up :-) I'm looking forward to all the replies on this tread. I don't think I will be able to answer this thread in time. Need funds first.

I have a Raven AC also.

It was a tight call between the Raven and the Galibier Glavia TT. Both were very intriguing to me. What it came down to for me was: comments from others on both tables (both were excellent), location of dealer and support (edge went to Raven as the dealer-HighWater Sound was in NYC where I live), style (both were gorgeous but the Raven has a smaller footprint.

The Raven replaced my VPI Aries with a 10.5 arm and Helikon cartridge (pretty good as well). I decided to use a Tri-Planer Vll arm on the Raven after reading reviews and comments form 'gones (DougDecon and many) on the arm. My choice in cartridge was a Dynavector XV-s1.

I got it up and running (great job by Jeff at HighWater) in Feb of this year and in March I lost my stylus (cleaning lady?)....ugh.

So I have been without any analog for some time. However, the good news is that I will be up and running in a week or so (Jeff will make a quick pit stop to help this "all thumbs" installer and he may bring a surprise guest with him).

The brief comments I can make are very similar to yours. Darker background etc. and a more stable soundstage with better harmonics at all levels. The bass is solid and much more: there, focused (very), but not overpowering.

My biggest problem (not a real problem) is that I cannot identify how much of the improvement went to the table or arm or cartridge since I changed all three. I am sure all had a great factor in the conclusion.

Best of luck to you and keep us informed!

Rick (RWD)
I was wondering about you and your cartridge situation this weekend Rick. It is a shame such a nice rig has to sit idle for so long. You paid the entry fee, hope you get into the show soon.