TW Acoustic Raven owners


I recently got my Raven AC, and I already love my new turntable. It is definitly the greatest piece of audio gear I have owned or heard so far. Lately I've seen the Raven has popped up in a lot of threads on this forum, so I thought it was time to start a dedicated thread to share experiences with the TT.

My system is: TW Raven AC/Hadcock 242 SE arm/Empire EDR.9 cart/Whest Audio Ltd PS.20 + MSU.20 phono. I will soon get a Phantom arm which I will use with a Transfiguration Temper V cartridge.

When I mounted the Hadcock/EDR.9 on the Raven AC, I was not really expecting a lot, since both the arm and cartidge are very cheap. Well, I was wrong, and once and for all understood the importance of a good deck. The music flowed from a rock solid foundation and just nailed me to the listening chair. The soundstage is very deep and wide with delicate layering. The music is seamless and totally effortless. But what impresses me most is the ability the Raven has to draw me into the music and show me the heart and soul of the performer. Just beautiful.
I can't imagine how it will sound with the Phantom/Temper in place, but I suppose it will be another step up:-)

What are you're experiences with the Raven, and what arms/carts do you use?

Theo, Copenhagen
Last Saturday (June 23) I spent one of the most enjoyable days of my audiophile life and I actually didn't listen to music all that much that day!
The occasion was the re-set up of my re-tipped dynavector XV-1S cartridge on my Tri-Planer/ Raven A.C. TT.
The centerpiece of the event was this set up was done by Thomas Woschnik, the designer, manufacturer and brainchild behind the Raven A.C.

What a truly wonderful meeting we had. Thomas was joined by Jeff Catalano who is the U.S. distributor of the TT (and other HIgh end gear((High-Water Sound)).
Thomas, I must say is a quiet humble man. When I say humble I suppose I also mean truthful.
When I met him I said to him how happy I am to have his table as it has improved the sound of my system (although I only had it a month before my stylus was lost). He said to me ...."yes it is a good table, like other tables that are good as well". Now when was the last time we heard that? It was refreshing!! I might also add......Thomas' TT is good....very, very good!!

After some cups of espresso and small chat, Thomas went to work....( pictures to be posted later). Before the last sip of my first cup of espresso, Thomas was done! He installed his new communications chip in his power supply and then explained to me that advantage of his [partial rubber belt. It was interesting to hear straight form the actual designer and creator of this fine product.

And so Thomas, Jeff and I listened. We listened and enjoyed.

A personal note of thanks to Jeff for being a good audio buddy (note, I didn't say salesman) and to Thomas for also being a good audio buddy and wonderful engineer.

P.S. Got my cartridge and arm/TT now...and wouldn't you know of my emim's on my RS 1-B blew!!!!
Hi Rwd

Well that was a nice hifi-tale. You are a very lucky guy:-) Hope he takes a trip to Denmark also;-)

Hi guys. Got my Raven AC 2+ months ago. Happy with the turntable. Just as I reached my 200 hrs, the motor started to give me some problem- loud clicking noise emitted from the motor. Told my dealer abt it few days ago. Still waiting for reply. Anyone with such problem? I m surprise it happen to a 1st class product. Anyway, Happy listening to you who is still able to listen to your vinyl

I have reached about 75 hours I think, and no problems. Hope everything works out fast so you can enjoy your TT. I'm looking forward to be hearing what is wrong with your motor and how it will be fixed.
