Recommended first turntable?

I'm in need of a turntable! I've never owned one and don't have a very large record collection yet, so I'm not keen on spending more than say...$250. The turntables that people recommend to me (ie Rega, Thorens, Ariston) all seem very pricy in the used market.

For those of you who helped with my amp search, I finally got a Parasound HCA-1000A and its matching pre-amp, the P/HP-850.

Sigh, ANOTHER question. What do you all think of Systemdek turntables, especially the IIx? I've heard that parts for this table are hard or even impossible to find, and that turns me off.
The Systemdek design was a good one, and I would consider a IIx in good condition as my first low-budget choice... with the parts proviso, of course. However the design has been revived by Audio Note and it might be possible to source parts from them. Alternatively, a new AN TT might be an option.
I've heard about Audio Note and I'd love to get one, unfortunately the TT1 starts at about $950! I can't justify spending that much on my first turntable.
I think analog is the only way to go, I am hearing so much more than digital and it's more natural sounding. But if you are going to go analog I suggest to do it the right way. I picked up a used vpi tnt about two years ago and tweeked the sh*t out of it. What i am hearing at home is as good as the best at the expo that just passed in nyc. I strongly suggest vpi they give you the biggest bang for the buck.Remember also the phono stage is critical I suggest the ear 834p simply awesome and sumiko blue point special evo III cartridge is the bargain of the century for quality. good luck, take your time and save up for decent stuff don't throw money away just to get something for the time being.
"...take your time and save up for decent stuff don't throw money away just to get something for the time being."

I second that motion, but I wouldn't assume you have to go to a TNT or any other VPI. Lot's o fish in the sea. Given your disposition, I would think Rega but consider moving up from the bottom rung. If you were to really splurge (for you) and get the new P3/24, you would have a significant upgrade path without replacing anything, not to mention WAY better sound right off the bat than the P1.

As I've often said before, if you want to keep the budget down, get the best table/arm you can get and skimp on the cartridge and phono stage for the short run. You can get a cheap Grado or Sumiko for $40 and the Rolls phono stage for $75, and replace both in a year with something comensurate to the table, at a loss of $50 if you sell them.

If budget is not a problem and you're just being conservative, I can appreciate that but I suggest you're over doing it. You're not doing yourself any favors by selling yourself that short. You'll save money by upgrading now rather than later at a loss, and you'll be enjoying much better music in the mean time.