Recommended first turntable?

I'm in need of a turntable! I've never owned one and don't have a very large record collection yet, so I'm not keen on spending more than say...$250. The turntables that people recommend to me (ie Rega, Thorens, Ariston) all seem very pricy in the used market.

For those of you who helped with my amp search, I finally got a Parasound HCA-1000A and its matching pre-amp, the P/HP-850.

makes sense to me. I can only guess where you're coming from 'till you spell it out. Just remember, a $400 table/arm with a $40 cartridge will give you better sound than a $300 table with a $140 cartridge, assuming the components are well chosen. Enjoy!

06-14-07: Ledhed2222
Good look Tvad, unfortunately someone bought it before I saw your post!
How much you want to bet it was someone who read this thread?

Anyway, the point was made. The price of that particular table was not an anomaly, and it's a fine turntable (as are the TD-147, TD-147 Jubilee, and TD-160 Super).
Tvad, what about the TD 180, is it good? Also, how does a used Thorens compare with a new Rega P1? Finally, how can I be sure that a used turntable is in good condition? I had no problems buying my amp used, but what about a turntable? Thanks, and sorry to ask so many questions.