whistling in the ears

anyone else dealing with this curse? comes and goes. in my early 50's(52.5), finaly getting a system that sounds the way i have alwayes dreamed and this f---ing whistling starts, whats next? my sight. at lease sence of smell will improve. suppose god is getting back at me for not believing in him/her. iorny at its worst.
I have had it for 20 years...Coffee will make it worse and sometimes different things will kick it off...Just have to learn to live with it.....
there's been lots of discussion on this previously. Check the Tinnitus Thread

Perhaps you'll take comfort in the fact you have plenty of company .
Also Google will tell you plenty - but as indicated above, it's not likely to go away. I have had it for a few years (I'm your age), first noticed it when I was on a coffee drinking binge. I've since moderated my caffeine intake and it only comes on occasion now.
Condition is aggrivated by being negitive.

Your problem my be that you are a negitive person, so it seems in your post.

1. whats next? my sight.

1. god is getting back at me... Bad thinking

3. iorny at its worst.

Let me suggest you stay more positive, if indeed your tend to gravite in a negitive manner. The whistling will stop and people around you will rejoice.
Glory's post is BS.....sounds like tinnitus...go see an ENT for full workup...I have it too...5 years...very common and associated with hearing loss.
good luck..I learned to live with it.
Seek good professional medical help. A'gon isn't the place to find what your looking for. For crying out loud ....