whistling in the ears

anyone else dealing with this curse? comes and goes. in my early 50's(52.5), finaly getting a system that sounds the way i have alwayes dreamed and this f---ing whistling starts, whats next? my sight. at lease sence of smell will improve. suppose god is getting back at me for not believing in him/her. iorny at its worst.
Caffine certainly aggravates mine as does alchol but I am to addicted too both to quit. And I don't think GOD has anything to do with it; nice try though. As others have suggested you should see an ENT and have it checked out. Sometimes simply cleaning out your ears with a peroxide and water solution will help.
I've had a constant low level tinnitus since I had a headphone experience where I had married music I loved to some pot which I apparently loved even more. The following morning I found my volume on max and my ears on ringing.

Nothing has changed over the years except that I don't use pot. I don't consider it really serious. Just an irritation. I am fortunate enuf to be able to hear thru the ringing if I'm concentrating on something other than 'sound'. When listening to an audio system however I do need a smooth frequency - any upper frequency peakiness seems to aggrevate the ringing and drives me out of the room.

Coffee keeps me alive so I haven't tried to eliminate that habbit, besides the withdrawal pain is real. I'd hate to be seriously addicted to drugs and have to quit........
high freg hearing loss is a common cause of tinnitus--some people just have it without hearing loss --you should get it checked out by your M.D or ENT because there are some other causes that can be very serious--rich M.D.
tinnitus, 38 and I have it. Comes and goes. Me, stress brings it on. I drives me mad, especially when i'm trying to sleep. Do your research, lots of good info on this pain in the ass.
My wife suffers from this. She has found that caffeine has nothing to do with it. She says it is never a problem at home, and mainly occurs outside or in the mall and most often in summer. Her solution is a heavy over coat and a long skirt down to the ankles. ;-)