whistling in the ears

anyone else dealing with this curse? comes and goes. in my early 50's(52.5), finaly getting a system that sounds the way i have alwayes dreamed and this f---ing whistling starts, whats next? my sight. at lease sence of smell will improve. suppose god is getting back at me for not believing in him/her. iorny at its worst.
I have suffered from tinnitus since 1984 after an especially loud concert. It never goes away but does get masked by other sounds, including music. I hate quiet rooms, especially hotel rooms, because there is no escaping the ringing.

There is a non-profit organization, the American Tinnitus Association, that publishes many articles on the various causes and ongoing research. You can learn a lot from them.
I'm 31, and despite using earplugs from 14 onward when I started playing in blues bands, I have some tinnitus, and it's gotten slightly, gradually worse. From things I've read, some of us do seem to be more vulnerable to it than others--whatever genetic quirk that is. Alcohol makes it worse for me, though just when the alcohol is in my system.

Two things I've learned recently that have helped me: the first is that magnesium, zinc and vitamin B-12 have in certain studies shown a helpful effect. I take all three daily now, and I think it helps. Evidently the inner ear has and needs high concentrations of those things, and keeping the levels up is beneficial (qualification: I'm no doctor, just an avid reader of medical studies on tinnitus). The second is that, for me, I've noticed that even brief exposure to loud or irritating sounds brings on "ear-burn" pretty quickly. For me it's worse (and happens much more quickly) with digital sources. Solution? I bought a decibel meter from Acoustic Sounds and now check my listening level when I start. Turns out 50-65 decibels is plenty loud for me most of the time, so I stick to that. It's a bit of a pain, but the peace of mind helps.

Worst in audiophile circles might be that with tinnitus you can't hear at all, or can't differentiate between X and Y because of tinnitus--it's just not true. It's an irritation most of all.
Besides the Vitamins-Supplements mentioned, A doctor once told me there was some positive results taking Niacinamide in large doses. Downside was the flushing that occurs with this Supplement. Something you might wish to look into, or mention to an ENT. Mark
I've had tinnitus in my left ear for more than 15 years but without hearing loss except the high frequencies due to age (46). I'm a dentist and I doubt its related to TMJ problems. My suspicions are its related to shooting an m-16 without proper hearing protection during my time in the medical corp reserves (was wearing empty cartridges, don't ask where my plugs were), not from my own rifle but the guy in the foxhole on my left. The first year or two were pretty depressive but I've since learnt to live with it.
My tinnitus was caused I believe by taking Prilosec many years ago when it was still perscription. I didn't even realize the relationship until I read on a site about acid reflux some people had the reaction that never went away. Years later I recently tried Protonix, another proton pump inhibitor and the next morning I woke up with the worse ringing I have ever had. I stoped after one pill. Months later it has subsided a bit, but It is now worse than it was before the recent 1 dose. I feel like suing my doctor because I told him before he wrote the scip thatI was hesitant to try this class of drugs due to my experience with Prilosec and he told me that he has never heard of tinnitus as a side effect, and I took his word. Sure enough it is listed.

Many sounds bother me, even clapping. Luckily my tube amps are about the only sounds that are fine. Solid state has a real white hash I am sensitive to, but in general my system is very laid back, natural and relaxed.