Cartridge recommendations VPI Scoutmaster

I am looking for cartridge recommendations for a VPI Scoutmaster/Joule Electra/Merlin VSM Mx system. I have been out of vinyl for many years....and so am really a novice again in this area. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical and some rock. I am looking at both new and used cartridges. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Thank you all for your insights. I am going to purchase a Benz Micro M2 Wood and will post a follow-up after everything gets hooked up.....which may take a little while. Seasoned, I am buying it new. All of the cartridges mentioned have gotten great reviews. Seems like there has been quite a renaissance in analog playback, and the cartridge technology in particular seems much improved along with everything else. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.
I went from a Grado Sonata to a Benz Ebony... WOW - what a difference. Its as though the Grado was broken
Hey Tom, what differences did you hear between the 17D2 and the 17D3. I have been using the 17D2 on my scoutmaster with the signature arm since I've had it (about a year and a half). I was just wondering since I will have to replace the cartridge at some point here in the future.
I have a Scoutmaster with JMW9 and a Dyna 20X-S.V. 1.0 mv and it is just awesome.