Vibration and Isolation at a budget?


Well, my system is nearly complete (for now), except for vibration isolation control.

I'm running a MMF-5>Slee Era Gold>Onix SP3.

Speakers: Onix Ref 1's and actually using a small musical x-sub right now (may or may not go away while comparing).

I'm in medical school, so budget is key. So, I"m wondering what some good tweaks are for this system. My speaker stands are solid and sand filled. My stand is a Salamander Archetype. The MM5-5 is a dual plinth with some vibration feet on it. I"m getting a cabinet builder to make me a 2" Maple Stand for the TT.

What else should I get? Are the vibrapods better than a maple stand? Anything for the Era Gold? Sub? The SP3 is on points right now, should these be placed in a vibrapod or something similar?

Thanks y'all!!
I tried EAR L-021 feet under an Aqvox phono stage and my Cornet 2; there was a significant improvement in mid-range and treble clarity with no loss of bass.

Available from Michael Percy $2.50 each.

RE: Pierre Sprey, the "fighter mafia guy": I bought his 2" unfinished maple platform for my turntable for $75 even tho' I made the 1 1/2" thick maple shelves for my rack myself a few years ago. I've been known as a woodworker around here since year 2000. After I factored in a trip to the sawmill, bench time and wear on my elderly body $75 was a bargain. I also blew a fortune, $25, on a set of iso-blocks. Call me crazy but finding them myself (I was aware of the HVAC connection) rather than pointing and clicking at my computer held no appeal. And the combo works.

You can read my upcoming review at
probably either the 1st or 16th of August.

I'm unpaid and, other than the expensive components I get for review, I shell out my own money for my DIY tweaks, mods and components. No shilling here.
You've made your position with Mapleshade quite clear in both this and the balance of your other advertisements (oops I mean posts) in the threads.

Thanks for the information.
Michael Percy also sells Audio Points which I believe are the cheapest good solid brass cones and a bit cheaper than the Mapleshade and Walker cones. If cheap is the goal, any cones will be better than none and there are cheaper ones.


Evidently, not everyone follows my ads as closely as you do. ;-)
Thanks for the replies. With all this, what would be the priority of each of these?

Again, here's what's set:

1) Sand filled speaker stands
2) 2 inch maple platform for TT with brass cones
3) Built in points on amp

Now, priority questions on these.

1) Cones, big fat dots for speakers? even with sand filled?
2) Anything else for TT?
3) Anyting else on Amp?

Or, just get some big fat dots (or similar) on speakers and sub. Though, with the new era gold v, not sure if the sub will be needed anymore.

And to David12: I'm a little older going into school then others, so I've been able to build up a couple systems over the past few years. And, this system is in the music room/study, so I'll be in here a good bit as you know. And, any extra time will be spent with the wife and dogs. Thanks for the "good luck". Luckily for me, I've been running at Pathology/Histology lab at Emory Univ. so the usual Histology nightmares shouldn't be too bad for me...I'm more worried about Pharm.
