What Record Clamp for LP12?

I was told by the dealer not to use a heavy record clamp so I am looking for a Clamping Pressure lightweight clamp.
Any suggestions??
On the SOTA table wich are spring suspended you hold your hand under the table while pushing down on clamp before locking it, can you do something likr that with the LP12 I suppose some dont do what I do but I think it is a good idea.
My Linn LP12 is fitted with a Goldmund relief clamp, in addition to the relief mat made of acrylic which replaces the felt one. It's my cheap man's goldmund ref table. This systems works exceptionally well. I just don't know what the availability of this item is in today's market.
I would not use a clamp with the lp-12. As mentioned you can stress the bearing and damage it. The table was not designed to be used with a clamp. If you are looking for a cheap upgrade I would get the Extreme phono donut mat. Definitely more sense of drive and immediacy without affecting the tonal balance. Also, consider taking off the bottom board and using 3M poly feet (can get at Target) to stick in the corners. When removing the bottom board I noticed a greated sense of depth.
I would like to say that all tables don`t sound better with
clamp.All clamp do not sound great,some make the music
sound bad.(IMO)
None... The bearing and suspension were not designed to include it. I've been an LP12 owner since 1982. LOL

Happy (unconstrained) Listening!