Need advice on a headshell wieght for a JMW9 arm?

I recently set up a Scoutmaster in my 2 channel rig. I installed a new sealed "old" stock Benz Glider (from the first run series) over this past weekend. The Scoutmaster counter wieght maxes out my stylus gauge at 1.6 grams. The reccommended wieght for the glider is 1.8 to 2.2 grams. VPI sells a chunky little 3 gram counterwieght. Since I only need .6 more grams, I think it is overkill. Can anyone recommend something less bulky and intrusive. And hopefully something that won't make me have to re-align the cart (I am a newbie, and can't believe I nailed it my first time, on a nude stylus to boot. Man does this vinyl stuff sound good!!)

Thanks in advance for your help.
The mortite is fine when new, but hardens after awhile. I would go with the VPI weight. The right way is always the best way.
Mortite doesn't harden for at least a couple of years after which you can simply remove and replace it if you haven't switched to a different cart by then. Frankly, it's never hardened for me. It also allows a great deal more weight precision and better resonance damping than the "best" way, aside from being cheaper than dirt. But to each his own. Blu-Tack is okay too, BTW, but steer clear of the look-alikes such as Fun-Tack which can become gummy and runny if exposed to the least bit of heat. Dave
Thanks very much, folks:

Seasoned: Never thought about getting the counterweight back to the middle position, rather than just adding the minimum to get me to spec. I appreciate your insight. It makes sense. I'll check your suggestions.

Dave: Never would have thought about Mortite. Very interesting option. Stringreen's concern raises caution as my listening room gets very dry in the winter. And would not fare well with "look alikes", such as Fun-Tack that you warned me against, and perhaps would accelerate the drying of the Mortite.

Thanks guys, very much, for your responses. I am weighing my options (no pun intended).