Old B&O vs. new Rega P1

I have an old B&O RX turntable with the MMC3 cartridge. I'm thinking of upgrading. Would the new Rega P1 be much of an upgrade?
I believe so. With the B&O, you're limited to cartridge selection. The tonearm looks flimsy and the platter is very light suspeded on springs. The Rega is a more sturdy turntable with a much better arm. You can play around with different cartridges.

Please listen to them if you have a chance and compare them.
nope...keep the b&o.....down the road take a leap,but your not missing anything compared to the 2k and under contendors
It's been a long time, but I worked at a store that carried B&O, and I remember their 'tables as being pretty clean-sounding but a bit on the light side where slam and bass weight were concerned.

I certainly feel that I get a lot more performance out of my SL1210, particularly where weight and slam are concerned, as well as a rightness to the midrange and a great sense of immediacy. I think you'd also get a noticeable improvement with a Goldring GR1.2.

08-16-07: Jaybo
nope...keep the b&o.....down the road take a leap,but your not missing anything compared to the 2k and under contendors
I find it hard to believe that a sub $2K Funk Firm, Rega P5, or VPI Scout wouldn't leave a B&O RX totally in the dust in every conceivable parameter.
The B&O is a fine table. I had one a while ago. It sounded light weight as what Johnnyb53 said.

The Rega is however a very good stepping stone to get into higher priced turntables. One can use this opportunity to learn about setting up your own turntable and learning what the various settings on the tonearm affect the sound. You will also not be limited to just 1 cartridge. This alone will open up new avenues for experimentation.

Once you've outgrown the Rega, you will be ready for you next "big" purchase.