Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
"you may want to check out Target (automotive section) for some Microfiber "pucks". They seem to be the perfect size and softness (90,000 fibers per inch) for this. They have a removeable handle. It like it was built for cleaning records.


This sounds very promising Darrell. I looked at Target's website and couldn't find these thingees. Next trip into town I'll take a look at their store. Maybe a cost effective replacement for those expensive Disc Doctor pads???
FWIW, is selling their "Perfection" Steam Cleaner online only, for $12.99 or thereabouts right now. With S & H it came to under $20.
I visited their nearby stores (2) and one was out of them and the other didn't carry it. List price stated as $29.99 on the sign, but on sale for $19.99.
Hope that helps.
A second shout-out : Does anybody own a Monster 1200 Steam Cleaner? If so what has been your personal experience with the 1200 ? Thanks
Leadfeathers, you were right! I went by the local Walgreens (SC)on 8-8-08 and the Perfection Steamer was tagged $29.95 less $10.00 rebate. I took one to the register and asked them to scan it. When it scanned $12.99 I bought TWO of them!
That's too good to pass up. I'll check with my local Walgreens (MD) tomorrow.