Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
I'm not covering my labels at all(as in the video by Stltrains on u-tube) Provided you don't steam directly on them and blot them off with a soft cloth right away when done I'm not sure there's really much of an issue. I have yet to damage one.
For me it all depends on how rare a LP is as well as its age. I note that early LPs center lables were softer in texture and subject to finger marks; they water stain easily. Later, hard printed lables can take a little handeling and a drop or two of moisture. Recently, I located a 1952 (TOPS L-931) LP "Lena Horne Sings". When I steam a 56 year old LP , I cover the label.
How hard does one press down with the RCM brush? I have a VPI 16.5 and the bristles feel rather stiff to me and I'm afraid of damagine the vinyl.

Stltrains mentions in his video that he also moves it back and forth... is this in the direction of outside to label or always going with the grooves?
Hey Madfloyd and welcome to steam cleaning your lps. The brush you are talking about is the nylon bristled housed in the black holder i am thinking. Yes i move it from side to side as you mention and use just enough force to get into the grooves, it will absolutely not do any harm to your lps. I use three of those brushes. I like using them instead of others out available. They do a better job IMO. Guys and Gals that vinyl is tough and hard to harm. If you are feeling a little nervous start with a few lps that are not in good standing. I have not harmed a single lp yet and thats a lot of lps cleaned.
Thanks, picked up my steam cleaner today from Walgreens ($13 !!!) and am about to dishwash the attachment that you (Stltrains) used in the video... and basically mimic the procedure best I can.

Looking forward to trying this - I'll report in.... :-)