Cartridge & phono stage for VPI Scoutmaster setup?

Here’s yet another “what do I do” from someone who’s taking the next step into vinyl.

Coming this week for me is a VPI Scoutmaster w/the standard JWM9 arm which is replacing my beloved Dual CS5000 I’ve had for 21 years.

I’ve been running the Dual straight into my Conrad Johnson PV11a (phono input), into a modified Threshold S/500. From there, through a set of 2m bi-wire Audioquest Clears feeding a pair of Martin Logan Ascents. Interconnects are Nordost.

I typically listen to 70s and 80s rock as well as some modern blues. As a musician myself, I prefer a clear, defined presentation of the music.

With the old Dual, I had no problem volume matching my other sources when using an Ortofon X3MC (2.5 mV) or recently, an AT 440ML (4.0mV) but I assume those are very high outputs compared to the cartridges I should be using w/the SM to get the most out of it.

So…, with the arrival of the VPI this week, I first need to select a cartridge and second, (or maybe this is the first step) select a phono stage.

Budget wise, I’d be looking for a new, sub $700 cartridge (Benz Micro ? or Dynavector DV20X? works well from what I’ve researched). I’d also like to keep the phono stage (used is fine) around or under that same price.

After purchasing the TT and allowing the purchase of a new cartridge, I’ve pretty much reached the end of my budget, but realize I will likely need a phono stage w/my current pre, can upgrade the phono stage sometime in the future once recreational funds are replenished.

I could also temporarily install either the AT or Ortofon on the JMW9 but I’m not sure if that would actually be taking a step forward or backward.

Any thoughts, suggestions and recommendations are much appreocated…
I have a Scoutmaster/Dyna 20X S.V. medium output 1.0 mv and I use it with my Rogue Magnum 99 without any problems what so ever. This is the phono stage in my pre amp.
Another recommendation on Sumiko Blackbird. I tried it on my SSM Signature, I like it better than Shelter 901 or 501 overall.
Thanks for all the great suggestions so far. From what I'm reading, I need to settle on a cartridge (I'm thinking Dyna) and will try it w/my CJ preamp straight. It's a tube phono section so hopefully the results will be pleasing.

In the event I do need a step-up phono stage, I see there are quite a few that I can pick up w/o breaking the bank and if it isn't what I'm after, I can upgrade a little ways down the road.

I did see a Jolida JD-9 unit that picqued my interest as it's tube driven, had decent reviews and was relatively inexpensive ($450 new although I'm not basing anything purely on cost).

Does anyone have any first hand experience with one of these units?
I own the Jolida Music Envoy preamp, in which the phono stage is identical to the JD-9A. It's actually a hybrid unit (thanks Piedpiper! :-) ) with an op-amp gain stage and a tube follower. I love mine - dynamic, great detail, and dead quiet even at the highest gain setting. Good loading flexibility, and plenty of gain so you won't need a step-up.

If you're considering a low output Dyna, the Jolida would work great, but you might also want to consider the Dyna P-75 mkII. I haven't heard one, but it's supposed to have fabulous synergy with all the Dyna cartridges.

I posted this yesterday but so far it is a no show. I use a ASR mini-basis (about $700 used) with the chip upgraded ($70) and a VDH DDT II. Amazingly good sound! The upgraded ASR bettered the Sim Lp5.3 and Benz Lukasheck I had and might even be a little better the Pass Xono. If you can find one used buy it.