Vinyl Virgin seeks additional advice

My inherited Rega P1 (see for history) got its new cart, a Ortofon 2M Red, installed by a local audio dealer. The first day of operation was great, good sound, no skipping on new and used LP's. The next day it wouldn't play more than what sounded like a rotation, repeating a two second phrase. I slid the counterweight towards the pivot point and it played through a few cuts before starting to skip again. I have leveled the table and beyond that I don't know what to do. Any ideas of what may be going on? Should the turntable be this finicky?
Thanks for your input.
piedpiper- stylus brush is in transit from acoustic sounds as we speak!
and for what its worth, the dealer has been very helpful and friendly. i only bought a budget phono pre-amp (cambridge 540) from him, this setup help has been a favor.

Your guy's final advice was correct. If the problem recurs, contact Rega for service. Repairing or adjusting the bearings is a warranty issue, not a user or dealer adjustment.

A stylus brush is useful and necessary, but it's not sufficient on its own. As Swampwalker already mentioned, do a search for "Magic Eraser". Keeping your stylus clean requires more than dry brushing.

Good luck with the arm!
Re: the lid, Rega makes it shot at you have to press it back extra hard at first to acclimate it to stay ing open. design flaw but not a fatal one. The binding issue does arise but is usually not a bearing problem per se. It may have to do with the arm wire or some other such thing, easily fixed for a lot less hassle than sending it back.