Shipping a VPI TT, Arm & Cartridge. Help Needed

I just purchased a VPI HW-19 MKIII TT, an SME 309 tonearm with a Benz Ref Silver cartridge. I had my uncle in California pick it up for me. I am in PA, so it has a long journey and I am very nervous about the items getting here safely! He is near the San Francisco/San Jose/San Mateo area and I am wondering if there is a reputable hi-end audio store around there that could pack it safely for him or maybe even one of you guys could help out? Thanks for any help, Jeff
You could try contacting VPI to ask advice about packing, possible disassembly, etc.
Jeff, these are the logistic questions that are best asked before the purchase. Now you are more or less at the mercy of the shipping gods. Hopefully your uncle picked up all of the original packaging materials with the turntable.
If not, then you should probably contact VPI and see if they will sell you shipping container(s). Maybe contact Musical Surroundings and see if you can buy a box for the Benz. Getting all of the proper shipping containers will probably be expensive, but should help to alleviate shipping damage. W/O the original packaging, you will have no choice but to let UPS Store pack it. UPS and Fed Ex will ignore claims if the item is not in it's original packaging. If UPS will guarantee it if they pack it, this may be your only option if you do not have original packaging. Maybe a VPI dealer as Stringreen suggest, but I think this would cost even more, and may not be guaranteed (assuming not using original packaging).

Also, don't bother over-insuring. You can only be re-imbursed for what you can PROVE that you paid. This is where the red tape comes in. You mention replacing a $2000 Benz cartridge, can you prove that you paid $2000 just for the cartridge? If not, then there is no way that you'll get anywhere near that much. Have the seller include an itemized receipt, broken down to how much each piece cost.
For example, say you paid $1000. Have the receipt say $500 for the 'table, $250 for the arm, $250 for the cartridge. Keep in mind that you will have to prove the $1000 payment to, via cancelled check, Paypal receipt, or whatever. So you can't falsify the receipt. You can insure for as much as you want, but you can only file a claim for what you can prove that you spent.

Yes, it is very difficult and expensive to ship a turntable, which is why, like large speakers, local sales are the best way to go. Even if you need to drive a couple hundred miles to pick up. Maybe it would be easier for you to drive to CA for pick up....

Good luck!! Hopefully it works out for you.
I was hoping that there was a hi-end shop around San Jose that would know how to dismantle it and pack it up safely in several boxes. Once the arm and cartidge were removed, they could be shipped in seprate boxes. Maybe carefully wrapped a large pill bottle, put in a well padded box for the Benz? Of couse the platter, motor in seperate boxes as well as the cover. Not sure on packing the arm though. If it were about 2000 miles closer, I would go pick it up myself :)
I would do as earlier suggested, contact vpi and buy the
original packaging from them. They're very nice to deal with. Often times the original packing works the best, or at least competently. vpi packing is very good, they don't want to deal with shipping damage any more than the rest of us. If damage occurs, the shipper will be way more likely to be helpful if it is in original packing
than if not.

The couple hundred bucks for the original packing is well worth it, it will also prove very useful to you if you ever need to ship it again or sell and ship it. The worry factor alone should cover the cost of admission. And to boot, your uncle will be able to figure out the excellent
vpi packing so you also don't need to bother a dealer where
your uncle lives.

Best of luck,