Tube Tuners

What are you guys using for tuners? How many of you are using a Scott tuner?
I picked up a Fisher KM60 off E-Bay locally about 6 months ago that was basically never used. Apparently the original owner who assembled it did not solder one wire, and gave up on it not working. Original tubes and looks brand new, it replaced a Fanfare FT1-A. Makes the Fanfare sound digital in comparison.
Modified Fisher 100b (IEC 3-wire power input, HEXFREDs in PS, film bypassed Jensen PIO coupling caps).
I use the McIntosh MR67 tubed tuner and it is incredible sounding. Listening to classical and jazz music over National Public Radio is often times more enjoyable to me than listening to my cd player. Way better than any solid state tuner that I've heard including ones costing into the thousands of dollars.