Graham Phantom damping fluid level.

Bob Graham says to use enough fluid to bring the level up to the top of the square profile machined on the bearing cap. The square is only about 1/4" in length. My question is, What level works best for you in relationship to this "square" profile?

I have tried only 3 different levels of fluid in my setup (maximum level to top of square, almost no fluid at all, & to the bottom of the square) but can't seem to obtain optimum results so I'm wondering what others use, although I guess it's really cartridge dependent. Is the fluid level super sensitive? FWIW I'm using a Koetsu RSP.
Well,since I got my new Phantom yesterday(it is still in the sealed box)if there actually is a new bearing cap,I'm a happy fellow....Truthfully I am so happy to obtain the arm that I would have been happy with the original cap my friend has,on his arm.
BTW,I re-checked the fluid levels on my friend's Phantom,yesterday,at his request.He has made some system changes,and wanted me to re-voice his sound,using vta/vtf/fluid.We found that as of now,the fluid is at the bottom of the squared off bearing part.This is on "his" system,so it should vary.
Sirspeedy - Hope you savor every minute of setting up and using your new Phantom. You certainly have waited long enough. Welcome to the Phantom club. Keep us informed of your findings, as you kindly did with the 2.2 Regards.
From my experience, close to nothing is the most "true reproduction" but it will vary from cartridge, Phonostage and what kind of records you listen to.
With newer records I would say, forget it, it doesn't matter, because none of them are true in the tone.
I did listen to a Living Stereo 2400, Strauss Waltzes, Side 1, Track 1
Phantom with Zyx Universe, VTA is a little bit higher in the back
The Vienna Blood allows you a view into the performance, a little bit from above, the strings section left is excellent for that, the tone has to go up and down like their bows and you can hear the reflections on the side walls.
When the fluid is too high, the separation of the strings are a bit "muddy", not really clear, a kind of "wall of sound".It softens the tone.
I checked this tone of this performance with 2 other (top) Record Players, For me: nearly nothing
For anyone interested...just finished my own two day Phantom install,and calibrating.More enjoyable than I had thought,but very tedious.Thank goodness my family left me alone for a few hours!
The entire installation took me 6 hrs on Saturday,with two more on Sunday(today)to get to an acceptable level of performance.As of now,definitely beating my previous 2.2,but not killing it!
Yet,there is more to get,as my set up jig,had some play in it,and I think my armboard was drilled slightly off.No problem,and I'll soon have it all scoped out!But,in all honesty....SHEEEEEEEEESH!!!!!.....What a delicious pain in the tush!!!I am NOW a bit tipsy on my celebratory Amorrone!Been saving it for this exact moment!!
I hope to NOT look into too many new things to do,in the near future!!!
Really fine performing arm!Still more of my reference LP's to "voice to"!!...I can't wait for the end game!!!!!