Graham Phantom damping fluid level.

Bob Graham says to use enough fluid to bring the level up to the top of the square profile machined on the bearing cap. The square is only about 1/4" in length. My question is, What level works best for you in relationship to this "square" profile?

I have tried only 3 different levels of fluid in my setup (maximum level to top of square, almost no fluid at all, & to the bottom of the square) but can't seem to obtain optimum results so I'm wondering what others use, although I guess it's really cartridge dependent. Is the fluid level super sensitive? FWIW I'm using a Koetsu RSP.
Sirspeedy thanks for the reply.
The Denon Telarc Omni-disk is the one I use to set anti skating.
I know the distrtion will start somewhere in the track I am just trying to get them even close to distorting at the same time. Now the they are not even close maybe 5 seconds between both channels.
Thanks for the help.
Sirspeedy you don't live in Mass. do you?
Hevac,I live on east coast,not Mass.I do love that state,though as I have fond memories of being a tennis instructor at a camp,years ago.Great Barrington.Gorgeous area back then.