mcintosh MT10 turntable good or not.

Has anyone got any experience with this table yet? I had problems with my other table and want to upgrade from the 2xperience from project. My dealer has made me what I think is a great deal to goto that table. I just don't know anything about the table and how it stacks up against project other than it looks cool.
Hey idiotec, is there any way to tell a good pressing from a bad one on the used market. I've heard to stay away from the 80's pressings, but other than that how do you tell. What about to tell if it is the original pressing. Also to Johnny, I love me some Dianna Kral, I probably didn't even spell her name right but I still like her so I will have to look for that album.
Hey Beerdraft, well that explains a few things. I've tried a few times to simplify things with a dvd/cd player, but could never find one that sounded decent. I even tried a few modded ones. I'm back to seperate units again now, and I cannot imagine trying the combo routine again.
My HT and stereo are in the same room, but mostly seperated.
I will not use a SSP for a preamp, and I will not use a DVD player to play cd's.

When you're right, you're right John. I geuss I just wanted to see the SACD side of thing even though I'm sure a didn't give it a good test (not a great Player) but I just didn't want a reason to start buying another kind of cd now with the records and all. It seems a lot of the titles I see on SACD, I also see on LP.
Well, IMHO, SACD is a superior format compared to redbook, in general. Sure, I have heard some very well mastered redbook cd's, and a few poorly done SACD's. However, with a good copy of each, I find the SACD to sound closer to vinyl than redbook. I know I should never say never, but I can't see myself ever owning a redbook only cd player again. Yes, I know SACD is a dying format, but there are currently over 5000 titles and still more being made, though mostly in classical and jazz. Jazz happens to be my favorite genre though.

FWIW, redbook cd also appears to be a dying format. Maybe my next player will be a music discs at all....

John, I listened to a music server and a good one I think. I also listened to the same Cd on the same system at same volume and the disc sounded better than the server. These just happened to be in the same cabinet togeter and I asked the store to let me hear the difference and they did. Ofcoarse they were pleasantly suprised that there was infact a difference although you wouldn't probably notice unless you tested that way. They were trying to get me to buy the server but after that I decided to buy the classe cdp202. (not the cd player used in this test) All cd's were put into this server with lostless download but its definately different.