Finding ultra-pure water locally...

I've been reading up on record cleaning, and there seems to be something of a consensus that rinsing with ultra pure water / lab-grade water / triple distilled water (I'm assuming these are just different names for essentially the same thing?) helps. Where does one buy such water locally? I would imagine paying postage to ship 10 lbs of water would be rather high. I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area. Tks!

*Reverse osmosis water filtration system
- easy to install
- cheap in a long run
- DRINK AND SAVE - not only money.
Ultrapure/lab grade/triple distilled/reverse osmosis water are NOT the same thing.

For example, while reverse osmosis is effective in removing a wide range of impurities including ions and distillation is another technique to head water in the right direction, ultrapure water (also known as Reagent Grade water) will typically involve 6 other processes including, softening, activated carbon filtration, micro/ultrafiltration, ultraviolet radiation, and deionization all done in a certain order to achieve "ultrapure" status.

Ultrapure is a step above Pure/Analytical Grade water and two steps above Pure/Lab Grade water. In my experience, Ultrapure is great for cleaning records.
Any Pharmacy will likely have distilled and often including deionised water too and usually pretty cheap. I can get 4 L = 1 gallon worth for $2.00.