Rega RB 1000 - Outgunned by Origin Live?

After years of Sotas, Regas, Thorens, etc etc I have done a U-turn in thinking I bought a Technics SL1210. In fact, I was spurred on by things I read on this site and a tip-off from a friend. The turntable is great, but I am not convinced about the Technics arm. So, I've bought a plate that can take Origin Live and Rega tonearms. I have an opportunity to buy a 2nd hand Rega RB 1000. However, I haven't seen much written about this arm. It won product of the year in it's category quite a few years ago and that's all I can find. Does anyone out there have any first hand experience or knowledge of this arm? It seems (at least when bought new) to be rather expensive for what looks like an RB300 with better bearings and lack of black paint. Do the the Origin Live arms (I'm thinking the Silver) really have the edge over the RB1000 (at least in the positive reviews). The Silver has been put onto SL1200s for some time and seems to work well. But that RB1000 looks pretty fine...
Wise words from Sunnyboy1956- thanks! I'm now looking at a Ortofon 2M Black- see other thread.
I've found out that I can actually fit a unipivot to my beloved Technics. This was the type of arm that I was going to fit a Nottingham I had. Didn't think I could get a unipivot on to the SL1210, so I was going with the Rega/Origin Live mob. See other thread for the unipivot story....
A poster (Cmk) suggested a Schroeder Arm as an alternative to the Hadcock and the Graham. Since I am exploring unusual options, I thought it might make an interesting thread. So, I will start a thread on the Schroeder Model 2 arm, its compatibility with the Technics, and its compatibility with the Ortofon 2M Black.