Unipivots Hadcocks Vs Grahams

I have settled on a unipivot arm as a replacement option for the tonearm on my Technics SL1210 direct drive turntable. I have an Ortofon M2 Black cartridge.
I've narrowed the field to either a Hadcock (probably the shorter one) or a Graham 1.5 (or higher) unipivot.
Both tonearms can be fitted to a Technics... in theory! Your thoughts please. Which one? Can they be fitted successfully to the Technics patient?
I'm curious as to why you will not consider gimball arms, or one Rega based arms.

If given the choice, I would prefer unipivots too, just want to know what pushes you in that direction.

This maybe crazy, but you could consider a Schroeder model 2, which has the same spindle to pivot distance as a Rega, ie 222mm.
The only advice I can give is I recently moved from a Rega 300 to a Hadcock 228 with an ortofon jubilee and am very happy. The hadcock was a significant improvement!
Dear Dsa: Iknow that you are worried about that the tonearm can fit your technics TT.

You change from the wonderful Garrot cartridge ( I don't know why. ) to the Ortofon one. IMHO the tonearm choice decision must be take it around the cartridge, not if it is unipivot, gimball or whatever about, you want to buy the tonearm that can match at its best the cartridge you own where " you " can achieve the best quality performance for that cartridge.
Unfortunately I can't give you any advise about because I don't have experience with that Ortofon cartridge maybe some one could help you about.

Regards and enjoy the music.