Excellent sounding cartridges for Rega P3/24?

I need some advice since I am not too learned about tonearm mass and proper resonant frequencies etc. Can someone guide me to a couple good MM cartridges for the P3/24. I now have the Rega Exact II and I am looking for something else. I like the Clearaudio Maestro wood but will it work well with this table and arm? I had also been looking at the Ortofon 2M black but then I read a post that said this cartridge is not a good match with the Rega tomearm. Thanks in advance.
When one is tuning up an Indy 500 race engine, the parameters are absolutely critical. When tuning a Honda Civic, if the screw is in or out by a bit, it doesn't matter. We are talking on this thread of a good middle of the road cartridge that will surely run fine in almost anything. One doesn't expect to see an Indy engine in a Honda Civic (a very good car by the way...)

I've used a Maestro Wood in an RB300 with good results. However, bass/mid-bass can get a bit fullblown with the combo - I've found this to be the case with many carts in the RB300. One notable exception is your Rega which may actually tilt a bit the other way.

Good Luck,

Does anyone have any other DIRECT experience with this TT and some different cartridges and could maybe recommend me one or rent me one for a try out? LOL...seriously
I had a P25 with lots of mods to the arm and ran a Benz Ebony High Output. It was wonderful. ..jaw dropping good.
Good Lord String that's a 3,000 dollar cart man...that's 3 times what my TT is worth...lol. Thanks though....I bet it did sound good. What are you running now String, TT cart and phono?