Furutech / Air Tight LP Flattener - do they work?

I am wondering if anmyone has actually bought used either of these LP flatteners and how well they work??

I find a lot of general new releases are dished, so record clamp works great on one side, but not on the other due to the dishing?.
Do they flatten dished or bowed LP's.


Yes, If you are talking about the ebay listing. I asked and 17kg shipping is quite expensive - hence the $240 shipping. Don't forget you will need a step down transformer to bring the US 120 vlts down to Japan 100 vlts. the same4 vendor sells them or buy them in the USA.

I am buying mine newer (more expensive model) direct from JAT in Japan from whom I have bought a couple of cartridges in the past. I have confidence in this guy. If anyone wants to buy from this guy, let me know and I will email the details

My DF-02 was delivered yesterday.

Unpacked it, put my warped/dished "Wolfmother" LP into the unit.

You can select 60, 90, 120 or 150 minutes heating time. the Wolfmother LP is about 150gm's, so I selected 90 minutes and closed the lid.

The LED display counts down, then automatically goes to 2 hours for cooling.

Took the LP out, put it back on the platter and guess what - no real difference - still warped - damm.

Put the LP back into the DF-02 and selected 2 hours and went to bed.

Got up this morning and put it on the platter - the LP is now nice and flat and plays fine.

So far so good and excellent to have the choice of how long to heat for. I'll report back after I have done 10 or so LP's.

Excellent! It's just as well you had the initial experience so you have some gage of what it might require.
Yea, I was going to start off with 60 minutes, but the vinyl is closer to 180gm's than 120gm's so 90 minutes was the better start off choice. WE don't want to over cook these vinyl pizza's do we :-))

I'll find some skinny 120gm vinyl and see how 60 or 90 minutes heating goes.

the unit is supposed to be able to do LP's with no groove guard. Are they the classic 200gm vinyl only??

First off to Downunder("in jest")...."Wolfmother"??.....And you are a high end hobbyist??....No Ravel,George Crumb,John Zorn,maybe some Stravinsky?...Heck,why not some Ricky Lee Jones,or Joni Mitchell?...but Wolfmother??? Hmm!! -:) -:)

As to the Speedy Flattener,costing thirteen U.S. dollars....Well now that we've had a nice four day heat wave,in the North Eastern U.S.,I've taken my "most" dished and "collectible/expensive" Lp(I'm not too worried about it at this point of experience),and given it some time on my "now nicely heated up"(but not hot)windowsill.Just the right amount of heat(I think)to undish the most dished LP's.
My previous four discs that got treated,were a success,except one,which needs some more days in a warmed windowsill,where the DIY unit resides.

It all comes down to how much time I give the LP,and how warm the windowsill gets....Btw,I don't like the "oven" business,as real heat(except the apparently superb Furutech/Air Tight flatteners)scares me.My method may not work on the first shot,but does work,and I am still learning the exposure,and "seasonal heat on windowsill" parameters.Think I'll go into meteorology after all this.
Btw,it does look really nice as it is merely two pieces of beautifully cut Marble,with two different pliant materials between each,so as not to damage grooves.I've added four little rubber footers to the bottom of the lower plate,which is always stationary.Looks like a nice marblized laptop computer sitting on my audio room windowsill.Tight and compact.Almost dressy!

I'd "still" take a commercial unit over it,in a heartbeat,but am quite happy.

Now,if I can finally get my system problems solved,I'd be satisfied.Most likely another month or two.The stuff I've spent tons of money on seem to be more problematic than the "el-cheapo DIY figamajigs"!...Whew!!
At least I have the spare time to look for more LP's in need of flattening.
