VPI Rim Drive vs. belt drive sound files

Greetings All,

About two weeks ago I installed the VPI Rim Drive on my HRX turntable. Having gone through the same frustration of getting the speed stable discussed in other threads, I ---> THINK <--- I finally have it fairly well tweaked. The difference in sound appears to be a much more focused sound stage at the expense (?) of a change in tonal balance. Specifically, the mid tomes of piano keys seems to be a bit more harsh and there appears to be a bit more extension in the very bottom octave.

As I use my turntable purely as a front end for archival capture and mastering, I have digital files of the same tracks, though the identical signal path with both the belt drive and the rim drive. If anyone has the patience to download these large AIFF format files, the link below will give you access to a few of them. I’d be very interested in getting feedback from all on both sonic differences between them as well as any suggestions to improve the Rim drive set up based on listening. If you’d like to check them out please go to:


user: dean
password: marvin
go into the “VPI RIM DRIVE TEST” folder

Thanks for this thread. It's very interesting. I can tell you that I hear a clarity with the rim drive that the belt drive can't deliver. This clarity is that the piano tones have a definite beginning and ending on the rim file, that the belt file seems to flow one note into another. Because the rim drive can deliver the individual notes in their own envelope, a distinctive increase in dynamics is afforded the listener. Yes, the bass is better with the rim drive, but the aspect of the drive that gets to me is this ability for micro dynamic shading that is much more like live music. ..this is a very interesting post, and I thank Dean for this ear opening experience.
Great Idea to upload the files. Next time maybe try 96 or 192K.

I'll have to hook up a DAC to take a listen to these files, as I too am interested in seeing what rim type drive could to do my table.
Cool post. Would you mind detailing the entire playback and transfer chain (cartridge, cables, phonostage, etc.)? Also, was any editing (pop and click removal, EQ, etc.) done to these tracks?

I'm with Emailists... I'd be all over 24/96 files if you were to put them up!

My wife too can pick out the rim drive version. I think the easiest one is the piano