Halcyonics under my tt. Wow

I just put my third, too expensive but wonderful, Halcyonic active isolation base under my Shindo Labs tt and am just overwhelmed by what I am hearing. I doubt if I will sleep tonight having 50 LPs that I "must" hear.

The ambient detail and realism is just shocking.

It is one of the great tragedies of audio that this device cannot be made somewhere for under $2000; I think they would sell hundreds. I know I would have one for every componnent. Mine was used.
07-05-08: Tbg
Nowhere near the magnitude of the Halcyonic even using the best treatments I have found, the Acoustic Revive QR-8s.

If you say so.

I have never in your system photos any real room treatments of the type that are commonly found in studios, dedicated listening rooms and theaters: baffles, diffusers, drapes, etc. Look at Mikelavigne's system, or others for examples.

Just think of the possibilities if you were to try some treatments of the standard variety; the level of detail, nuance and resolution you'd gain by knocking out the spurious back wall and side wall reflections.

Wall hangings, baffles and the like can cost in the hundreds, not thousands.

You have certainly invested large sums in esoteric room tweaks, and that's your prerogative. You should certainly spend your dough how you wish.
Tvad, you are correct in seeing no diffusers (professional or otherwise), tube traps, defectors, Room Lens, Helmhost resonators, or absorbing foam for a LEDE room. They have all come and gone as did digital equalization. One pair of the Hallographs remain behind me. The other fought with my H-Cat Wave Timing Control and is now in the closet. I have also used the Shun Muck Mpingo disks, Combac and Marigold wall treatments, and the quite effective Acoustic Revive QR-8s which though tiny nevertheless have mighty impact. You are also right that these all cost far less than the Halcyonics. I have heard Rive designed rooms and frankly would have none here even were they not so costly.

But your real argument is that I have failed to focus on what has the biggest effect. I would say that the Halcyonics is far more important than any of the above in their impact on my sound. I should again note that my rave is about the impact of the third Halcyonics that I recently got. I thought highly of the contributions of the first and second also, but this one is just breathtaking. My room may be quite good not by design but by luck. It was designed to be a game room.
But your real argument is that I have failed to focus on what has the biggest effect.
I would say that the Halcyonics is far more important than any of the above in their impact on my sound.
Tbg (System | Threads | Answers)
I wouldn't expect you would say otherwise.
Nor I you, but at least now you don't think I am blithely ignoring room interactions. I think also that you grossly underestimate the Halcyonics for whatever reason.
I think also that you grossly underestimate the Halcyonics for whatever reason.
Tbg (System | Threads | Answers)
Not true at all.

However, seeing your room and the hard surfaces that surround your components, I cushion your revelations with the belief that you could reap significant benefits through substantially less expensive measures.

Were you to treat your room with basic acoustic treatments, perhaps with the guidance of a professional such as Rives Audio (no relation...just comes immediately to mind), I suspect you would reap stunning benefits from your more esoteric tweaks. That's the bottom line.

I suspect you are accustomed to, and enjoy, the live, "bouncy" sound of your room, and subsequent adjustments improve what you hear in the present paradigm. I also suspect that traditional acoustic treatments likely shift the paradigm to something that's unfamiliar, less bouncy, and less enjoyable to you.

Thus enters YMMV.