Halcyonics under my tt. Wow

I just put my third, too expensive but wonderful, Halcyonic active isolation base under my Shindo Labs tt and am just overwhelmed by what I am hearing. I doubt if I will sleep tonight having 50 LPs that I "must" hear.

The ambient detail and realism is just shocking.

It is one of the great tragedies of audio that this device cannot be made somewhere for under $2000; I think they would sell hundreds. I know I would have one for every componnent. Mine was used.
Tvad, I know how you feel, and you should know that I do not feel "established engineering principles" are adequate. The Halcyonic people did try something new and it works. It is not just a rehash of the old spring ideas. I don't respect your holding to inadequate engineering dogma. If something works, there must be a reason even if engineering dogma suggests it doesn't. Suggesting that it is belief in magic or is unscientific is just rhetoric and should hardly be convincing to anyone.

But again, we have been through this before and it has nothing to do with this thread, so I beg you to just let it drop.
07-06-08: Tbg
...you should know that I do not feel "established engineering principles" are adequate.
Yet Halcyonics utilizes established engineering principles to design their isolation solutions. You have heard amazing results from a product based on science and engineering, yet you dismiss science and engineering as inadequate.

A conundrum.
No conundrum for me. The science that I knew as an undergraduate has changed a great deal in 50 years. Hopefully, we will continue to learn more, such as why quartz can have such a positive effect in some places and such a bad effect elsewhere. Also, Halcyonics, as I said twice before, ignored the conventional ideas of isolation and sought active correction with no resonant frequency. They hardly reflect your position for utilizing established engineering principles. They went where no man had gone before.
They hardly reflect your position for utilizing established engineering principles. They went where no man had gone before.
Tbg (System | Threads | Answers)
You're wrong.

They utilized principles of problem definition, solution using computer aided design and prototypes, performance testing and product refinement, and production planning.

Established engineering. Check their website for more info.
Tvad, I'm sorry, but I must disagree. They were innovative rather than choosing the well trodden path. You have got to give them credit for thinking outside of the box as you seem inclined to do.

I will respond no further as I know all of this is pointless and I have made others aware of my experiences.