Is the MR85 Mcintosh Tuner any good.?

I would like to thank everyone who posted on my "mid- priced "tuner inquiry. Has anyone heard the MR85 to get the boss's OK she likes the look of the mac vs the MD100 and Fanafare. Spec's are close I beleive..
A guy I know has the MR7084 which the MR85 replaced and he says it is wonderful. It is his only McIntosh piece (he is an Accuphase man) and decided on it after trying all kinds of tuners for a couple years (although he liked a Magnum Dynalab too). I listened to it and it did sound great - just like CD with awesome imaging. The MR85 looks better with the knobs however.
Mac is good stuff. Their products have always been highly regarded and the 85 is of the same built quality. Overpriced but high quality. They got the lock on the classic "industrial duty" look. IMHO a little too much so. But hey, I'm from Mac's home town so I've got to be careful. So buy the 85 and while you're at it get one for your brother too.