Upgradability of an MMF-5

I'm aware that there are turntables that are more upgrade-friendly but really want to zero in on this table exclusively for this discussion. What upgrades/tweaks, etc, to this table do you think would make an instantly obvious and moderately to highly gratifying sonic improvement in a system limited to the MMF-5 running thru a 1990s Sony ES series HT receiver running thru JBL L-65 speakers (circa 1977). Any and all types of music in a collection of about 500 LPs but with the lion's share being mainstream Rock (not a lot of Metal), Jazz, and Blues...
As Ehaller said, changing the cart with yield results.

I would not recommend spending further dollars on any other upgrades to this table.
Invest in a new turntable/tonearm.

The MMF-5 is a "buy and listen to without changes" product.

Sell it when you want to upgrade.
I think a Koetsu Tiger Eye cartridge would help.
Otherwise do what Mr. Feil says, just get a better rig.
I changed the stock stylus (1012) to the 1042 stylus and the difference was huge, more weighty sound, bigger sound stage, less surface noise...
I've had the MMF-5 for 4 years now. Definitely change the cart, other than that just leave it be. I think its not worth upgrading, the money is better spent towards a new table. I've tried lots of upgrades and found ultimately that the weaknesses of the table persist, and do so to a degree that its just not worth it.

A fine table for what its worth, but not worth upgrading in the long run.